Beautiful Gate would like to extend our deepest thanks to Annie, Elizabeth and Sarah.

These 3 young ladies served at Beautiful Gate for 3-4 months with joy, dedication and most of all, an unending love for the children and the housemothers they worked with.

We enjoyed their laughter and smiles. We admired their persevering spirits. And we will always remember how they showed such love and grace each day.

Thank you girls for all that you did for the children and staff at Beautiful Gate! We will always think of you with joy!

We ask for God’s blessings on your lives as you go from here. May He be the center of your lives and guide your every step.



Whatever you do, work heartily,

as for the Lord and not for men,

knowing that from the Lord you will

receive the inheritance as your reward.

You are serving the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24




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